Zumba Marathons

Mundo Younido motivate people to do sports.
Some basic elements to stay strong, healthy & happy in life without extra costs: Nature, sports & positive people.
People build up their condition with sports and their body & mind remain fit.
Same like with meditation or with prayers, people can express their emotions by sports and they control their inner peace by themselves.
A healthy peaceful human being, contribute directly to the society with their positive attitude.
Our sportive founder Patricia Haveman completed various Zumba Marathons all over the Netherlands.
During that time where she trained each week, she had also the honor to meet the Zumba Founder: Beto Perez and 1 of best zumba artists in the world: Nathan Blake.

Zumba is a workout where people train their whole body. Most of all it’s an workout which bring happiness while training.
There are various levels, so the workouts are for all ages and all various condition groups.
With Zumba dance workout the music got a selection of various countries: Latin America, USA, Europe, Asia, Arab and so on.
So in meanwhile this sport session teach us also the variety of cultures by music and dance expressions and spoken languages.
In 1 hour, you can tour around the world with Zumba!
Last but not least: The Zumba Network is active all around the world and the Zumba family is strong connected.
So wherever you travel, feel welcome to join a class. A good way to experience the various workouts in each country.
Look to nearest class at: www.zumba.com.
Stay fit, strong & healthy and spread your inner peace and love.


Trade Mission Event Netherlands

In 2015 Mundo Younido has been selected to join the Oranje Handelsmissie Fonds Event, Schiphol Airport.
People who want to like to cross the borders and promote their activities abroad are selected to join the event.
The winner get a prize and assistance for future and help to move forward within the networks.
However winners are profit organizations, we are blessed to join this event.
And even more thankful for new opportunities by the Government of the Netherlands to get Masterclasses related to various countries. We took that opportunity and planned all possible Masterclasses which we could follow.

Signing Pacts

Mundo Younido’s signed the following pacts:

  • Safety Pact against discrimination
  • World Alliance of Religions Agreement
  • Signature for the Declaration of Peace & Cessation of War
  • Letter of Support for the Peaceful Unification of the Korean Peninsula
  • Resolution in Support of the 4th World Peace Summit


World Meditation Hour Brahma Kumaris

“Peaceful Minds Peaceful World
Each 3rd Sunday of the month Brama Kumaris organize a World Meditation Hour.
With all Brama Kumaris locations all over the world, people meditate for peace and harmony in the world.
A beautiful way of connection, and to unite like 1 family for all pain & conflicts in the world.
To change personal pain & worries about the situations in the world, to the collective.
Mundo Younido motivate meditation in general.
We believe it brings inner peace & contribute to stabile health. Peace starts from within, so if people are balanced themselves, they can contribute directly in positive way to the society or a better world.
Mundo Younido visited the World Meditation Hour 2 times during field days.
We would like to thank Brama Kumaris for the kind & warm hospitality and the inspiring sessions.

( De Brahma Kumaris Spirituele Academie is verbonden aan de Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. Het is een nieuwe religieuze beweging van Indische oorsprong. De internationale beweging wordt hoofdzakelijk door vrouwen geleid en is opgericht in 1937 in het toenmalige Brits-Indië ).

Pride Amsterdam

Once a year the Global LGBT Community unite together in Amsterdam to celebrate Gay Pride.
Till today many the LGBT Community suffer from violence and punishment, just for being different.
The get a treatment like heavy criminals and for this reason they can end up in jail.
There are even countries who give a death penalty.
We believe in love for all.
Love above hate, trust above fear, respect above punishment.
Loving somebody should not be a reason to end in jail.
If we are able to respect each others differences we are able to live together in peace and harmony.
If we all want peace, why we don’t follow the path?